Treatment for Osteoarthritis in London
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in the UK, affecting around 8 million people.
It most often develops in adults who are in their late 40s or older. Osteoarthritis initially affects the smooth cartilage lining of the joint. This makes movement more difficult than usual, leading to pain and stiffness.
Customer Testimonials
Mr and Mrs Morgan
3rd March 2017
"My son had been having a terrible time finding suitable and comfortable orthotics until we were put in contact with Steve. He took the time to talk to George and explain everything to him and us as anxious parents wanting the best. The orthotics were fitted quickly and were perfect. George was more comfortable and could start to do more. Over the past 6 years as George has outgrown his splints, Steve’s high standard have never slipped."
22nd November 2017
"Today as always, I look forward to my appointment with Dr. Seccombe [sic] to have my calliper shorted and new shoes improved to effect a right hip balance and greater mobility. I travel a bit internationally for my work particularly to the global south, where I am up and about daily on rough uneven roads and paths that challenges my callipers. As a polio survivor, Dr. Seccombe [sic] found the right calliper for me and suitable shoe raises that brought greater confidence for my walk and daily activities. I am grateful to him and his team as they unexpectedly go the extra mile in their customer care. Such care deserves an OBE in my country. Well done Steve!"
3rd March 2017
"Great service Thanks"
Mrs Henwood
4th August 2018
"Thank you so much for helping our daughter. She has been working full-time for nearly 3 years and on her feet all day with no aches or discomfort. Please take credit and accept our heartfelt gratitude for her being in that situation, which would have been impossible without your expertise over the years."